3470ITP100P63 CL50 OH125
Osnovni atributi
Applications | Automobil, E-drive optima, Medicinske institucije, Oprema za mašine i radionice, Rešenja za skladištenje, Trgovina, Ugostiteljstvo, Urbana mobilnost, Vazduhoplovstvo, industrijski potrosac, logistika |
Product name | Alpha |
Product type | Okretanje Tocak |
Standard | EN12532 - transportna oprema |
Load capacity at 3 km/h | 300 KG |
Load capacity at 4 km/h | 300 KG |
Load capacity Static | 600 KG |
Temperature range (Minimum) | -10 °C |
Temperature range (Maximum) | 60 °C |
Overall height | 125 mm |
Overall width | 95 mm |
Overall weight | 1,38 KG |
Roll performance | |
Movement noise | |
Attrition | |
Corrosion resistance |
Material | Čelični list, težak |
Fork shape | siroko |
Swivel bearing | Dve lopte |
Color | plavo cinkovano |
Offset | 50 mm |
Swivel radius | 100 mm |
Swivel Interference | 200 mm |
Dome diameter | 95 mm |
Body material | Aluminijum |
Tread material | Poliuretana, liveno |
Bearing | precizini kuglicni lezaj |
Wheel color | Metalni |
Wheel diameter | 100 mm |
Tread width | 40 mm |
Wheel width | 40 mm |
Hardness of tread (A) | 92 Šor A |
Hardness of tread (D) | 42 Šor D |
Fitting type | Pravougaona ploča |
Plate length | 137 mm |
Plate width | 105 mm |
Plate hole length (Minimum) | 75 mm |
Plate hole length (Maximum) | 80 mm |
Plate hole width (Minimum) | 75 mm |
Plate hole width (Maximum) | 105 mm |
Plate hole diameter | 11 mm |