Improve visibility and orientation with colored casters and wheels

We have all experienced misplacing something and not being able to find it right away, or even mixed up objects. In everyday lives, this is annoying, but usually does not involve serious consequences. But what about sensitive areas such as hospitals, medical practices, care facilities or areas where people work with dangerous machinery? Here, misplacement can have serious consequences for people, and searching for important equipment can cost valuable time. But there is a simple solution for a faster allocation of items: the color coding for casters and wheels.

The solution: orientation by using colored casters and wheels

We often think of colors in terms of design or aesthetics, but colors have a much wider meaning and significance. The use of colors in product design also serves to improve safety, orientation or to organize working areas: With color markings and area-specific printing on casters and wheels, objects can be divided into groups or they can indicate their function.

This can be your own corporate design for better identification or the function of the equipment. Such color coding saves time, as the color already indicates the respective function. In an emergency, this can be life-saving for patients.

Our mobility solutions for you

For almost all our casters and wheels we are able to create colors according to your individual wishes. We have extensive expertise in this area. Our in-depth know-how and our technical infrastructure enable us to produce color designs according to your specifications or your corporate design.

However, we can also go one step further. We offer colored designs for increased usability according to the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR), which has been mandatory since 05/26/21. The aim here is to avoid application errors in order to provide life-saving protection. We do our part with colored wheels and casters.

TENTE color coding

TENTE offers the possibility to color coat casters according to your wishes. This color coding is already being used by customers in hospitals today:

  • Yellow coloring can help identify MR-suitable and non-MR-suitable equipment easier.
  • Blue dome caps indicate washability.
  • Green markings on the dome cap indicate directional locking.
  • Red markings on the lock indicate total locking.

Optionally, you can also have red markings applied to your casters to indicate the locked or unlocked position of a caster.

Your benefits with colored casters and wheels from TENTE

  • Better orientation.
  • Improved efficiency of work processes.
  • Increased safety in the working environment.
  • More usability when using the application.
  • Less operator use errors according to MDR.

Now it is your turn

If you are looking for casters to match your application and provide better orientation, please contact one of our experts. To do so, simply follow the few steps of the contact form and our expert will be happy to get in touch with you.

Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required.

How do we produce colored casters and wheels?

The first step is to measure your desired color shade photometrically and analyze it with special measuring instruments. Based on this data and considering all decisive process parameters, we create the exact color recipe for your casters and wheels. The result will then be compared with your desired color shade in the laboratory and finally verified. If the color meets your specifications perfectly, it is saved as a reference sample with the corresponding process data in our customer library. This enables us to recall your color shade at any time and regenerate it for your casters and wheels.

Why should casters and wheels be colored?

Colored casters and wheels provide better orientation. Color coding in sensitive areas such as care facilities is of enormous relevance for the quick allocation of individual areas and protective measures. It also helps to identify misplaced work equipment and return it to the correct area.

What is the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR)?

The new EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) has been mandatory since 05/26/21. MDR determines how medical devices and accessories are introduced to the market, how they are made available and how they should be used. This new regulation applies to medical devices intended for use on patients. The overall aim of this new regulation is to ensure the safety of patients.